



5.英语 翻译完成句子


1. outside

2.There is not enough drinking water

3. ,parking is getting more and more difficult.

4. Tony is looking forwarding to going back to London ....


1. 你的班上有多少位学生?

forty five 四十五个

2. 你是哪个年纪的?

grade nine 九年级

3. 那个婴儿 ten months old 十个月大



1 Young people should give seats to the old when they are on the bus.

2 His brother has poor eyesight because of long hours of working on computers.

3 Our English teacher has a great sense of humour. He always makes his classes very funny.

4 He knocked my tea cup down just now.

5 Her mother wears straight hair down to the shoulders.

6 We shouldn't speak ill of others. / We shouldn't say bad things about others.


1.他们到澳大利亚已经一个星期了,正在适应那里新的气候。adjust themselves to

2。一个人很难和他所有以前的校友保持联系。it's very difficult to keep track of

3.考虑到火车会晚点,我们应该在10:30前回来。Allowing for


1.You should stop playing basketball and sweep the floor now.

2.I must eat an egg every morning.

3.There is a sign which means no fishing.

英语 翻译完成句子


1. 上周我选择加入红队。 Last week Ichosetojoin the red team.

Last week I chose to join the red team

2. 老师告诉了我们关于考试的事。 The teacher toldusabout the exam.

The teacher told us about the exam

3. 它是中国最成功的戏剧之一。 It is oneofthemostsuccessfulplays in China.

It is one of the most successful plays in China

4. 她病了,所以没去上钢琴课。 He was ill, sohedidn't

go and he the piano lesson.

He was ill, so he didn't go and he the piano lesson

5. 他既种花又种菜。 He grows flowers aswellasvegetables.

He grows flowers as well as vegetables..

1.was taking a shower

2.wash the clothes

3.nobody answered

4.hy summer

5.get mad at

6.let, work

7.too young to

8.Stop talking
