1.英语,根据Jack is playing basketball now再仿写5个句子

2.用英语仿写句子 用do,am,does这几个单词各造几个句子,共10个!




Simon makes a card every week.

Ms Smart carries a big cake every week.

She buys things every week.

Daming plays his trumpet every week.

The boys go to a park every week.

The dog eats some meat every week.

The birds sing in the trees every day.

My father watches TV every day.

Daming makes an e-card every month.


英语,根据Jack is playing basketball now再仿写5个句子

1.Whose is that handbag?

Is that his handbag?

No,it isn't his .

It is hers.

2.Whose is the umbrella?

Is it your umbrella?

No,it isn't yours.

It is mine.

3.Whose are those school bags?

Are those our school bags?

No,they aren't ours.

They are theirs.

用英语仿写句子 用do,am,does这几个单词各造几个句子,共10个!

Jenny is watching TV now.

He is flying a kite now.

My mother is doing the dishes now.

My father is reading newspaper now.

I am taking a bath now.


Do you he a pen?

Do they want to go?

Do you enjoy yourself here?

I am a Chinese.

I am reading when he comes in.

Am I allowed to go with you?

She does the work very well.

Does she like le?

Does he think so?

It doesn't matter.


1. 英语改写句子的练习

would you like to be a doctor?

Either me want to be a doctor.

Alive has not been to the Bund yet.

Do they usually he lunch at school?

He is nor pretended./He never tell lies.

How are you going to get there?/What are you going to take to get there?

She doesn't like chicken at all.

2. 英语写作训练作文

I he learnt English for five years.At first,I didn't like English,I thought it was such a boring subject.But I had to learn it.Beacause it's a very important subject.As the time went by,I fell in love with this subject.Now I like speaking English with foreigners.It make me feel confident.My parents take pride in my success.I want to be a English teacher when I graduate.


记得给个纳,我辛苦想了呢,呵呵 谢谢哈

3. 英语仿写,例;The train arrives late.

1)We won the match.__The students won the match__________

The workers finished the work ahead of tine.__They finished the work ahead of time.______

I fot to mail the letter yesterday___He fot to mail the letter today._____

He stopped crying suddenly__The little girl stopped crying suddenly_____

(2)The light is excition_____The music is exciting________________

The match is exciting.___The song is exciting___________________________

(3)I made it a rule to read English in the morning.__He made it a rule to write homework at night_____

4. 仿写六年级上册英语天天练第10页的七题作文

今天,我又兴致勃勃地来到蚂蚁洞旁,看见它们熙熙攘攘地往来. 蚂蚁站成一排排的,正准备做操了.忽然,蚂蚁队伍乱了套,纷纷散开,它们跑着跑着,不断地左冲右撞,一只庞大的蚂蚁撞到了一只娇小的蚂蚁,那只娇小的蚂蚁眼泪争先恐后地落了下来,怎么办呢?那只娇小的蚂蚁再也爬不动了,一大群蚂蚁拥过来,抬起娇小的蚂蚁就向远处走,它们的嘴里不停的在安慰小蚂蚁,小蚂蚁感恩不已,连声说谢谢.我的目光顺着蚂蚁走的路探索,我看到了蚂蚁的团结互助,友好的品质.我更在那里得到了许多! 我漫游了整整一上午,直至太阳公公笑得更猛的时候,我的心才收回来. 看到它们这样团结友好,我完全迷惑了,到底在蚂蚁的脑海中蕴藏了多少智慧?蚂蚁究竟有多少品质值得我们学习?是什么力量是它们这么团结呢?我完全沉浸在蚂蚁的海洋中了. 蚂蚁回家了,洞里传来一阵蚂蚁吃食的声音.我,在这智慧的海洋里返璞归真了.。

5. 英语作文:《Changinmyhometown》怎么写

Changes in My HometownMy hometown is a beautiful place.Great changes he taken place these years.In the past,the environment was very bad,but now it's much better.There weren't any buildings five years ago,but there are many tall buildings now.They're very beautiful.Roads are wide and clean.There are trees,flowers and grass everywhere.My hometown is being more and more beautiful!记得纳哦。

6. 英语写作训练

Sunny Dec.10th.2010 I had a wonerful time yesterday.It was sunny.The day before yesterday,my clas *** ates and i decide to go to West Lake Park because of the beauty of the park.To row boats on West Lake,we got up early.When we reached the park,it was still early.We rowed boats and sang songs.How hpy we were.Suddenly, Lily found that there was a big bag on the lawn and she didn't find the lost bag's owner.We felt strange and wanted to help the one who lost the bag find the bag.What's on the bag?There was a camera,a passport and a large sum of money.With the help of police,we spent half and o hours looking for the owner.At last ,we found him.He was a foreign friend called Mr.Woodhead.He was very greatful and said thanks to us.I felt also hy beacuse as the saying goes:You are hy when you are helping others。

7. 如何提高小学生英语“写”的能力



1. 抄写抄写活动多用于写的训练的起始阶段,目的是让学生在巩固复习单词和句子的同时,掌握书写规范,如大小写、标点符号、单词间的空格等。抄写活动容易流干机械和单调,和故事的使用可以使抄写具有一定的趣味性和挑战性,使学生在机械抄写的同时要考虑所抄写内容的意义。


等等。2. 仿写仿写是教师运用较多的训练方式。






如学习“Hobbies”这一单元时,我给学生布置的题目是“My hobby/hobbies”,这是写关于自己的爱好,学生自然感到有话可写;又如在学习“Planning for the weekends”一单元时,先让学生在课堂内介绍,画好表格,学生再动笔,就能胸有成竹了。

1、仿写:I he a doll, she is very beautiful, I often play with her, but she never talk to me. I he a book, a very thick one, which I take to the lake almost every day to read.



