



1,millie坐在我前面 Millie sits in front of me.

2,amy坐在simon和我之间 Amy sits between Simon and me.

3,eiddie想住在餐馆的旁边。Eiddie wants to live beside the restaurant.

4,窗户正对着。 The windows face to the door.

5他的生日是在8月23日。 His birthday is on August 23.

6,我们住,12楼。 We live on Floor 12.

7,我们将于6月九号到达。 We will arrive on June 9.





1 Don't blow out these candles.

2 Alice showed her new friends around her school yesterday afternoon.

3 The two girls are interested in geography.

4 All in all, it is a good book.

5 It's important for Li Lei to study English well.







Module 1 Lost andfound

模块1 Lost and found失物招领

Unit 1 Whosebag is this? 第一单元,这是谁的包呢?

Ms Li: Welcome back to school欢迎回到学校everyone!

First of all 首先, come and look 来并看看in the lost and found box!在失物招领箱面There are 有a lot of things很多物品in it在里面. Whosebag 谁的包is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine我的包. Are my crayons我的蜡笔there too?也在那里吗?Ms Li: Are thesecrayonsyours你的蜡笔吗?

Lingling: Yes,they are and this eraser too. Thank you!谢谢!.

Ms Li: Whose tapes谁的磁带are these? Daming: They’remine我的磁带/录音带.

Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet这里有一个紫色钱包!

Tony: It’s mine.我的(钱包)Look!瞧/看Here’s my name ―Tony这里是我的名字—托尼Thank you! 谢谢!

Ms Li: You’re welcome!不用谢/不客气Look at 看着/看看this nice watch.漂亮手表Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No,it isn’t. Ithink it’s Betty’s我认为它是贝蒂的手表.

Lingling: Yes, it’s hers 它是她的手表.

Ms Li: Everyone,大家/每个人please be careful with your things 小心处理你们的物品from now on 从现在开始.

Daming: Hereare some nice gloves这里有一些漂亮的手套. Whose gloves 谁的手套are they? Ms Li: Let me see让我看看/瞧瞧/想想... Oh, they’re mine!我的手套Thank you! 谢谢!

李老师:欢迎(大家)回到学校,首先,过来看看拾物招领箱吧. 在里面有很多物品

玲玲:哦,不好意思/对不起! 它是我的,我的蜡笔也在那里吗?







李老师:不用谢谢/ 不客气!看看这块漂亮手表,它也是你的手表吗?






Unit2 Arethey yours?第2单元,它们是你的东西吗?

TheLost and Found Office失物招领处in New York City在纽约市的

Welcome to欢迎到the New York City Lost andFound Office纽约市失物招领处. People oftenlose things丢失东西when they’re trelling当他们正在旅行时候 or或者when they’re in ahurry当他们匆匆忙忙的时候. Theylee things 把东西遗留 on planes,在飞机上on trains,在火车上on buses在汽车上and 以及in taxis.在出租车上That’s why 那就是为什么 there are 有lost and foundoffices失物招领处

atairports and stations在机场和车站.

The New York City Lost and Found Office纽约市失物招领处is 是very big.非常巨大Hundreds of 成百上千的 peoplecome here来这里every day 每天. They arelooking for寻在 their phones他们的电话, cameras照相机/摄影机, watches手表,computers 电脑and 以及many other things很多其它的物品. We usually通常地he 有about大约two thousand两千部mobile phones 移动电话 one thousand cameras 一千台摄影机/照相机

At the moment在这个时候,there are also 也有some 一些stramge things奇怪的东西/物品 at the New York City Lost and Found Office在纽约市失物招领处.Thereare about大约a hundred bikes一百辆自行车and 以及a large boat一艘大船. there are also 也有a lot of animals 很多动物This week 这个星期, thereare 有threedogs三条狗, two ducks 两只鸭子 and apig !和一头猪Whoseare they? 他们是谁的呢?Are they yours?它们是你的吗? We don’t know! 我们不知道 Are you looking for 你正在寻找fif kilos of sausages?15公斤香肠?They’re here too!


Module 2 What canyou do?

Module2 模块2What can you do? 你会做什么?

Unit 1 I can play the piano.第1单元,我会弹奏钢琴

Daming: Look ! The new clubs forthis term 这学期 are on the board在布告板上. I’d like to join the MusicClub我想加入音乐俱乐部because I can play the piano因为我会弹钢琴. whatabout you?你呢?, Betty?

Betty: I like cooking, so I can join the Food and DrinkClub加入餐饮俱乐部. Can you cook, Daming ?

Daming: No, I can’t. Well, I can cook eggs 煮鸡蛋, butthat’s all 但是仅此而已. What about Lingling? Which club 哪个俱乐部can she join?

Betty: I think she’d like tojoin the Dancing Club加入舞蹈俱乐部because she can dance really well .Tony , how about you 你呢?

Tony: I’d like to我想join the Chinese Club加入汉语俱乐部. I can’t speak Chinese very well.

Daming: Don’tworry about Chinese不要担心汉语. We can 教你汉语teach you Chinese! Sochoose your fourite club选择你最喜欢俱乐部.

Tony: OKthen. .I play table tennis 打乒乓球, so Ichoose the Table Tennis Club. That’s myfourite!

Unit2 I can runreally fast.

It’sthe start of the new term这个新学期的开始and we’re choosing our new monitors选择我们新班长.

I would like to be the class monitor我想做班级的班长. I get on well witheveryone我和大家都相处的很融洽/好,classmates and teachers. I work very hard, and I do well at school .I’m kindand I’m alwaysready to help others我一直/总是乐于帮助别人. I can even help teachers too.Choose me as your class monitor选择我做么你们班级的班长and Ipromise to help YOU! 我答应帮助你们

I want to be the PE monitor我想做体育班长.I enjoysport, and I can run really fast. I’m really fit and healthy健康和强健. Just watch me inthe playground between lessons! I play most ball games well. But I’m really good atfootball我是非常擅长足球, and I play basketball in the school team在学校队. I usuallyget the best score得到最好的成绩/分数in every match在每场比赛中. Chooseme for the PE monitor选我做体育班长and you can get the best score获得最好的分数too! 也

I’d like to 我想bethe cleaning monitor卫生/清洁班长/委员I oftenhelp my mother do cleaning帮助我的妈妈做卫生at home在家里 and I like a clean and tidy house 一个干净整洁的房子. I’msure我确信everybodywould like 每个/大家都想要a clean classroom一个干净的教室just like home正如/正像家一样的.Choose me选择我and we can.使我们教室漂亮make our classroombeautiful. make +名词+形容词,使….怎么样

Module 3 Module 3模块3making plans制定

Unit 1What are yougoing to doat the weekend在周末?


Betty: Whatare you going to do at the weekend, Daming?

Daming: 在星期六的早上On Saturday morning,I’m going to check my email检查我的邮件and do my homework. 做我的家庭作业Then I’m going tohelp with the housework帮助做家务. What are you going to do, Betty?

Betty: I’mgoing to看一部**see a movie在下午in the afternoon. You can come too.

Daming: Sure!Who else别的谁is going to be there在那儿?

Betty: Nobody. Lingling is going to上一节钢琴课he a piano lesson, so因此 shecan’t她不能 和我们一起来come with us, but但是onSunday afternoon在星期天的下午,Lingling and I玲玲和我are going to将要he a picnic去/进行野餐.Would you like to join us?你想加入我们吗?

Daming: Yes,我想加入I’d love to. Are we going tomeet here 这里见面?

Betty: No,we aren’t. We are going to 在公园里会面meet in the parkat one o’clock.在1点钟

Tony: Hi,everyone!

Betty: Hi,Tony. What are 你们的周末your plans for the weekend?

Tony: Nothing.I’m going to 独自待在家里stay athome alone.

Betty: Don’t be silly!别傻了You’re going to comewith us. It’s going to be一个极好的周末a fantastic weekend!

Unit 2 We are going tocheer the players 为运动员欢呼,助威,喝彩

What are you going to do?你打算做什么呢?


I’m looking forward to 期望/期盼/盼望着某事这场足球比赛the football matchtomorrow. My friendsand I are going to 观看我们最喜欢的队watch our fourite team. We’re goingto meet otherfans 会见其他球迷, andmake some new friends 结交新的朋友. We’re all going to wear the team shirt穿球队服/衬衫, and we’re going to cheer the playerscheer the players 为运动员欢呼. Ihope我希望他们赢得这场比赛they win the match!!

-------Martin 马丁


I’m going to 玩的很开心enjoy myself=he a good timeduring 在….期间the May Day holiday五一国际劳动节期. Onthe morning of 1st May在5月1日上午, I’m going to 晚点起床get up lateand then read a book.然后看书在下午In the afternoonI’m goingout 出去withmy family and friends.与我的家人和朋友一起We’re going to 散步take a walkin the country乡村 or 去游泳go swimming. And on 2st May we’re goingto 在公园里收集垃圾collectlitter in the parknear my friend’s house.在我朋友的房子附近It’sgoing to be (一个非常了不起日a great holiday)------busy but good fun!繁忙但是很有趣

------Zhang Sijia 张世家


Usually I 度过暑spend the Summer holidayat home, butthis year is going to 是非常不同be very different because I’m 进行一次夏令营 going on a summercampin Sydney, Australia. I’m going to和一个澳大利亚家庭待在一起stay with anAustralian familyand speak English说/讲英文. We’re also 观光/游览going sightseeing and going to he a picnic 去野餐

在海滩上on the beach.

-------Lucy 露茜

