

3.1到8 句子翻译 初一英语




1、我最喜欢的科目是数学,因此我数学好。My forite subject is math, so I mathematics well.

2、今天几号?9月9号。What's the date today? On September 9.

3、让我领你参观一下这栋现代化大楼吧。Let me show you around the modern building it.

4、我每天步行去学校需要花20分钟。Every day I go to school on foot takes 20 minutes.

5、 妈妈每天怎样去上班?骑自行车。Mom how every day go to work? Riding a bicycle


listen to sb 听某人说话

go to work 上班

leaing work 下班

what is hening 你在做什么

geting ready for spring festival 为春节做准备

what are you doing 你正在干什么

would you like to come 你愿意来吗

what are you going to do 你打算做什么

make a friend with sb 和某人交朋友

what are you looking forward to 你期待什么呢

take a plane to 名词 乘。。。。。到。。。

l not sure 我不知道

use sth to do sht 使用什么做什么

how do you go to school 怎样去上学

where were you born 你出生在哪里

be strict with sb 对某人要求严格

looked around 打量四周

pushed the door 推开门



It took very long time for the scientists to solve those problems.


Without enough practice, we can't keep health .


My sister often show foreign friends to visit her factory.


I'm sure you can ride very well if you practice riding bike over and over.


You can turn to me for help when you he any difficulty.


Watching TV too much time after supper is bad for your healthy .

1到8 句子翻译 初一英语

1. I am glad to see you

2. Li Hua knows a little bit of English

3. He watches TV every evening

4. How often do you go to see your grandparents?

5. Your friend looks very young

6. Tom usually reads books on the bed

7. Her father often goes out for a walk after dinner

8. She likes flowers very much

9. I sometimes walk to school

10. He is never late for school





3、What else can you do?



6、What would you like to do at the party?




1. I sat between Dad and Mom.

2. He lives on the third floor of my building.

3.The plane is flying over our school.

4.I can see the moon above the tree.

5. There is a garden in front of the building.

6. John sit in front of me.

7. The platform is in the front of the classroom. There are some chalks on the teacher's desk.

8.Next to the school is a restaurant.



1. 我早上七点起床。 I wake up at seven o'clock in the morning

2. 我的妈妈六点半起床。 My mother wakes up at half past six.

3. 他七点一刻吃早饭,七点半乘公交车。 He has breakfast at a quarter past seven and takes a bus at seven thirty.

4. 他喜欢自己做每件事。 He likes to do everything by himself.

5. 他是一个杂志的摄影师,他总是很忙。 He is a photographer of a magazine and is always very busy.

6. 在很多方面, Lisa 是一个普通的女孩。 Lisa is an ordinary girl in many aspects.

7. 她喜爱听音乐,喜欢跳舞。 She enjoys listening to the music as well as dancing.

8. 她在电话里和朋友聊天几个小时。 She chatted with friends for several hours on the phone.

9. 她一周在滑冰场训练四次。 She trains in the skating rink four times every week.

10. 我的生日在10月3号。 My birthday is on October 3rd.

11. 我通常骑车去学校,除了下雪的时候。 I usually go to school by bike except on raining days.

12. 在下午,我做作业或者去看望朋友。 In the afternoon, I do my homework or go to visit my friends.

13. 在我生日的时候,我通常出去吃饭。 I usually dine out on my birthday