


4.初二英语上册知识点 八年级英语重点知识归纳总结

5.八年级上英语复习提纲 重点短语和句子





Unit 1 How often do you exercise?重点语法:频率副词 询问别人做某事的频繁程度 提问用 How often 引导特殊疑问句 回答用 always, sometimes, twice a day 等频率副词。例句:A: How often do you watch TV?(你多长时间看一次电视?) B: I watch TV every day.(我每天都看电视。) A: What's your forite program?(你最喜欢的节目是什么?) B: It's Animal World.(是《动物世界》。) A: How often do you watch it?(你多长时间看一次这个节目?)主要频率副词的等级排序: always(总是) > usually (通常) > often(经常) > sometimes(有时) > hardly ever(很少) > never(从不)隔一段时间做某事数次用 数词 + 时间间隔 的结构构成。如: once a week 一周一次(“一次”用特殊词 once) twice a day 一天两次(“两次”用特殊词 twice) three times a month 一个月三次(三次或三次以上用 基数词 + times 的结构构成) four times a year 一年四次

重点短语:how often 多久一次 as for 至于;关于 how many 多少(针对可数名词) how much 多少(针对不可数名词) of course = sure 当然;确信 look after = take care of = care for 照顾;照看 a lot of = lots of = plenty of 许多;大量 every day 每一天 every night 每晚 hardly ever 几乎不 be good for 对……有益 be good for one's health 有益健康 try to do sth. 尝试做某事 get good grades 取得好成绩 help sb. [to] do sth. 帮助某人做某事 kind of 有点 want [sb.] to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事 keep in good health 保持健康 No two men think alike. 人心各异。

Unit 2 What's the matter?重点语法:询问别人如何感觉 了解人体器官和部位的英文名称 了解一些常见病的英文名称 告诉别人应该怎样做和不应该怎样做例句:A: What's the matter?(怎么了?) B: I'm not feeling well.(我感觉不舒服。)I he a cold.(我感冒了。) A: When did it start?(什么时候开始的?) B: About two days ago.(大约两天前开始的。) A: Oh, that's too bad.(哦,这很糟糕。)You should lie down and rest.(你应该躺下休息。) B: Yes, I think so.(是的,我是这么认为的。) A: I hope you feel better soon.(祝你早日康复。)重点短语: he a cold 患感冒 shouldn't = should not be stressed out 紧张的;有压力的 a few 有些;几个(针对可数名词) a little [bit] 有些;几个(针对不可数名词) at the moment 此刻;现在 What's the matter? = What's wrong? = What's the problem? 怎么了? lie down and rest 躺下休息 see a doctor 看病 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 listen to 听 for example 举个例子 be good for 对……有益 it's + adj. + [for sb.] + to do sth. 做某事(对某人来说)……(加形容词) get tired 感到疲倦 stay healthy 保持健康 give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 need to do sth. 需要做某事

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?重点语法:用现在进行时态表示一般将来时态 强调某个动作已经好即将按照去执行例句:A: What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?(林辉,放准备干什么呢?) B: I'm going to Tibet for a week.(我要去西藏旅游一周。) A: That sounds interesting!(这听起来很有趣。)What are you doing there?(你去那里准备干些什么事?) B: I'm going hiking in the mountains.(我准备上山徒步旅行。)How about you, Tony?(你呢,托尼?)What are you doing for vacation?(你放准备干些什么呢?) A: I'm visiting my friend in Hong Kong.(我要去拜访我在香港的朋友。) B: Oh yeah?(是吗?)How long are you staying?(你要去多久啊?) A: Just for four days.(只去四天。)I don't like going away for too long.(我不想远走太长时间。) B: Well, he a good time!(祝你旅途愉快!)Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!(记得从香港寄一张明信片回来!) A: Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school.(当然。当我们再回学校的时候,再看看你的照片。)重点短语:how long 多久 get back = come back 回来 take a vacation = he a vacation 去度 a lot = very much 很;非常 be going to do sth. 将要去做某事 sound + adj. 听起来……(加形容词) sound like + n. 听起来像……(加名词) he a good time = he fun = enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看 want to do sth. = would like to do sth. 想要做某事 plan to do sth. 做某事 spend sometime [in] doing sth. 花时间做某事 need to do sth. 需要做某事 ask sb. about sth. 询问某人某方面的事情 go shopping 去购物 lee for 离开去某地

Unit 4 How do you get to school?重点语法:询问别人做某事的方式 用 How 引导特殊疑问句 其回答有多种方式,其中一种结构是 by doing sth. 或 by sth. 的结构。 询问两地的距离用 how far 引导特殊疑问句 回答用 be + (distance) + [away] + from 的结构。例句:A: How do you get to school?(你如何去上学?) B: I take the subway.(我乘地铁去上学。) A: How far is it from your home to school?(从家到学校多远?) B: It's three miles.(有三英里远。) A: How long does it take you to get from home to school?(从家到学校需要花多长时间?) B: It takes 25 minutes.(要花 25 分钟。)重点短语:by bus = take the bus 乘公共汽车 how far 多远 depend on 依赖于 by boat = take the boat 乘船 look at 看 by train = take the train 乘火车 by bike = ride one's bike 骑车 by subway =take the subway 乘地铁 by plane = take the plane 乘飞机 on foot 走路 get up 起床 he breakfast 吃早饭 lee for somewhere 离开去某地 take sb. to somewhere 带某人去某地 half an hour = thirty minutes 半小时(三十分钟) around the world = all over the world 全世界 get to school 到学校 think of 认为 on weekend 在周末

Unit 5 Can you come to my party?重点语法:询问并请求某人做某事例句:A: Hey, De.(你好,戴夫。)Can you go to the movies on Saturday?(周六你能去看**吗?) B: I'm sorry, I can't.(对不起,我不能去。)I he too much homework this weekend.(这个周末我有太多作业要做。) A: That's too bad.(这太糟了。)Maybe another time.(只好等下一次了。) B: Sure, Joe.(当然,乔。)Thanks for asking.(谢谢你的邀请。)重点短语:the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天 come over 来访 study for a test 复习迎考 go to the doctor = see the doctor 看病 he to 不得不;必须(强调客观上) must 不得不;必须(强调主观上) help sb. with sth. = help sb. [to] do sth. 帮助某人做某事 too much + n. 太多(针对不可数名词) too many + n. 太多(针对可数名词) much too + adj. 太……(加形容词) go to the movies 看** practice doing sth. 练习做某事 thanks for [doing] sth. 为(做)某事而感谢 go to the dentist 看牙医 be going to do sth. 将要做某事(该事已好) will do sth. 将要做某事(该事尚未) keep quiet 保持安静

Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sister.重点语法:在两件或多件事物中进行比较 使用形容词的比较级和最高级 通常形容词的比较级是在形容词后加 -er(以e结尾的单词直接加r,闭音节辅音字母结尾双写辅音字母加-er)的结构构成,最高级是在形容词前加 the ,形容词后加 -est(以e结尾的单词直接加st,闭音节辅音字母结尾双写辅音字母加-est)的结构构成。(eg/ big → bigger → the biggest 形容词 big 的原级、比较级和最高级;small → smaller → the smallest 形容词 small 的原级、比较级和最高级) 当一个单词有3个或以上音节时,其比较级是在形容词前加 more 的结构,其最高级是在形容词前加 the most 的结构构成。(eg/ expensive → more expensive → the most expensive 形容词 expensive 的原级、比较级和最高级;outgoing → more outgoing → the most outgoing 形容词 outgoing 的原级、比较级和最高级)例句:A: Lin Ping is my friend. (Lin Ping 是我的朋友。)She's a little more outgoing than me.(她比我性格要活泼开朗一些。) B: My friend is the same as me.(我的朋友跟我一样。)We are both quiet.(我们都很静。) A: Do you look the same?(你们长相相像吗?) B: No, I'm a little taller than her.(不,我比她高一点。)重点短语:more than 超出…… in common 共同的 be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好 most of 大多数 in some ways 在某些方面 the same as 与……一样 make sb. + adj. 让某人(感觉)……(加形容词) stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停止当前做的事去做另一件事 begin with 以……开始 each other 互相 enjoy oneself = he fun = he a good time 玩得高兴 spend sometime [in] doing sth. = spend sometime on sth. 花时间做某事 plan to do sth. 做某事 on a farm 在农场

Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?重点语法:描述一个过程 服从别人的指令 询问做某事的过程用 how 引导特殊疑问句 分步回答用 first(首先), next(接着), then(然后), finally(最后) 等时间副词引导从句。例句:A: How do you make fruit salad?(如何做水果沙拉?) B: First cut up three bananas, three les and a watermelon.(首先切三个香蕉、三个苹果和一个西瓜。)Next put the fruit in a bowl.(接下来把水果放到一个碗里。)Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt.(然后放入两勺蜂蜜和一杯酸奶。) Finally mix it all up.(最后将它们放在一起搅拌。)重点短语:turn on 打开(电器)[闭合开关] turn off 关闭(电器)[断开开关] cut up 切碎 mix up 混合 add ... to ... 把……加到……上 pour ... into ... 把……浇到……里面 put ... in ... 把……放到……里面 put ... on ... 把……放到……上面 a cup of 一杯 a teaspoon of 一勺

Unit 8 How was your school trip?重点语法:一般过去时态结构:主语 + 谓语动词的过去式 + 宾语 谈论过去发生的事情用一般过去时态 do/does 的一般过去时态形式:did例句:Last week I visited my aunt's house.(上个星期我去我姑姑家玩了。)She lives in California.(她住在加利福尼亚州。)The weather was beautiful.(那儿的天气很好。)I went swimming.(我去游泳了。)重点短语:hang out 闲逛 sleep late 睡过头 take photos = take pictures 照相 he a great time = he fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 at the end of 在……的尽头 the class monitor 班长 a day off 一整天 go for a drive 开车兜风 he fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 a bowl of 一碗 help sb. [to] do sth. 帮助某人做某事一些不规则动词的原形和过去式:hang → hung buy → bought sleep → slept read/ri:d/ → read/red/

Unit 9 When was he born?重点语法:一般过去时态 谈论著名人物例句:A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?(查理斯·史密斯打嗝了多长时间?) B: He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.(他打嗝了 69 年零 5 个月。) A: When did he start hiccupping?(他什么时候开始打嗝的?) B: He started in 1922.(他从 1922 年就开始打嗝了。) A: When did he stop hiccupping?(他什么时候停止打嗝的?) B: He stopped in 1990.(他到 1990 年才停止打嗝。)重点短语:too ... to ... 太……以致不能…… take part in = join 参加 because of 因为…… major in 主修;专研 start doing sth. 开始做某事(该事已好) start to do sth. 开始做某事(该事尚未) spend sometime with sb. 花时间和某人在一起 spend sometime [in] doing sth. = spend sometime on sth. 花时间做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事(强调全局) see sb. doing sth. 看见某人做某事(强调偶然性)

Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.重点语法:一般将来时态 do/does 的两种一般将来时态形式:will do;be going to do 两种形式的区别:will do 强调事情尚未好而即将做 be going to do 强调事情已好并将按照来做 本单元重点强调 be going to do 的形式。例句:A: What are you going to do next year?(明年你准备干些什么?) B: Well, I'm going to take guitar lessons.(我明年要上吉他音乐课。)I really love music.(我很喜欢音乐。) A: Sounds interesting.(听起来很有趣。)I'm going to learn a foreign language.(我明年要学一门外语。)重点短语:grow up 成长;长大 at the same time 同时 all over 遍及 all over the world = around the world 全世界 be going to do sth. 将要做某事 practice doing sth. 练习做某事 study hard 努力学习 take lessons 上课 sound + adj. 听起来……(加形容词) sound like + n. 听起来像……(加名词) se money 存钱 buy sb. sth. = by sth. for sb. 给某人买某物 buy sth. with the money 用钱买某物 write articles 写文章 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 get good grades 取得好成绩 play sports 运动 keep fit 保持健康 write to sb. 给某人写信 enjoy doing sth. 享受做某事

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?重点语法:委婉请求别人做某事 引导词用 can, shall, will 等情态动词的过去时态例句:A: Could I please use your computer?(我能用一下你的电脑吗?) B: Sorry. I'm going to work on it now.(对不起,我正在忙着用电脑。) A: Well, could I watch TV?(那么,我能看电视吗?) B: Yes, you can.(是,你可以看电视。)But you he to clean your room.(但是是在你打扫完房间之后。)重点短语:do the dishes = wash the dishes 洗碗 take out 取出 make one's bed 整理床铺 work on 从事;忙于 do chores = do housework 干家务 do the laundry = wash the clothes 洗衣服 take care of = care for = look after 照看;照顾 sweep the floor 扫地 fold one's clothes 叠衣服 go to the movies 看** get a ride 骑车 go to a meeting 开会 hate (to do/doing) sth. 讨厌做某事 like (to do/doing) sth. 喜欢做某事 invite sb. to somewhere 邀请某人去某地 go to the store = go shopping 购物 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事尚未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做某事(该事已做过) give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 买某物给某人 on vacation 度

Unit 12 What's the best radio station?重点语法:在各事物间进行比较 用形容词的原形、比较级和最高级例句:A: Hello! I'm a reporter.(你好,我是记者。)Can I ask you some questions?(我能问你一些问题吗?) B: Sure.(当然可以。) A: What's the best clothing store in town?(城里最好的服装店是哪一家?) B: I think Jason's is the best.(我认为杰森服装店是最好的。) A: Why do you think so?(为什么这样认为呢?) B: Jason's has the best quality clothes.(杰森服装店有质量最好的服装。)重点短语:close to = near 靠近;接近 inexpensive = cheap 便宜的 clothing store 服装店 radio station 广播站 talent show 业余歌手演唱会 it is adj. [for sb.] to do sth. 做某事(对某人来说)感觉……(加形容词) cut the price 打折 not ... at all = not ... in the slightest 一点也不 in fact 实际上 pay for 为……而付款 sth. cost sb. (money) 某人花钱买了某物 good/well → better → the best 形容词 good /副词 well 的原级、比较级和最高级 bad/badly → worse → the worst 形容词 bad /副词 badly 的原级、比较级和最高级




八上Unit 4(上)

1.Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth, or the moon?


2.What do you think of Sunny Cinema? 你觉得阳光**院怎么样?

Great! It has the best service in the city.


3.Linling sings well; Lucy sings better than her; and Kate sings the best of all.

琳玲唱得好;露西唱得比她好;凯特唱得最好, 在所有人里(在一群人里of)。

4.Tommy is taller than the other boys in his class. That is,Tommy is the tallest in his class.


5.Ma Yun, head of Alibaba, is one of the richest persons in the world.


6.Thanks for giving me so much information.

谢谢你(for因为)给 (ing形式)我这么多信息(不可数名词)。

7.Mike runs fastest of all the students.


8.This is the most fascinating town I he ever visited.


Yes, I’ve never seen a better one.


9.AlphaGo has beaten the top professional go player. So many people think it’s the best go player in the world.


10. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.


11.How far is it from your home to school?


It’s about ten minutes’ walk.



初二第一学期UNIT ONE英语语法总结

1.how often...?

1)How often do you read English? I read English every day.

每隔一天=每两天 every other day = every two days

每三、四、五天 every three/four/five days

eg.The Olympic Games are held every four years.

2)How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies once a month.

一月两次twice a month 一月三次three times a month 一月两三次two or three times a month


3.pretty 漂亮 (注意和quiet 相当 的区分)

4. 5种how的疑问句

5.Do you he the same lifestyle as them? (the same ... as 的用法)

No,mine is different from theirs. (be different from 的用法)

6.may be 与maybe

May be kate knows the answer.

=Kate may know the answer.

=Perhaps Kate knows the answer.

7.try tries tried trying

try to do something 尽力、设法做某事

try doing something 试着做某事

try one's best to do something 尽某人最大的努力去做某事

8.keep in good health = stay in good health 第五单元主要是询问别人是否参加某个活动,还有别人的回答,如果别人不去,还有不去的原因,一般有这么几个句子:Can you come to ……?Yes,I'd love(like) to./No,……(不去的原因)

也有这样的回答:I'd love(like) to,but……(写不去的原因)

如果说五单元的作文嘛,一般都是写拒绝别人的邀请的信,里面一般写自己不去那个活动的原因,文章的开头一般这么写:Thank you for your invitation.

要说五单元的词组,比较重要的是时间前面用的介词,像from……to……从几点到几点,还有在具体某一天前用on,在点时间前面有用at,这一点你可以看看书上的介词,再者就是一些固定短语,像study for a test为考试做准备等等。



Tom has longer hair than Sam.

=Tom's hair is longer than Sam's.(注意!这里的Sam后面的s不能掉,这里的Sam's代指Sam's hair,属于本单元的一个难点。)


It's+adj.+for+sb.+to+do sth.




一般疑问句some 要变成any.表示意愿色彩,有请求意思的不变.如;以could.can.may.would等做疑问词的句子

ask sb for help 请求某人帮助

plan to do sth 做某事

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事

forget dong sth 忘记做了某事

finish dong sth完成某事

lee a piace 离开某地

lee for a place 离开到某地去

decide to do sth

decide on dong sth决定做某事(两个都是)

go away for too long (出远门太久)

for 后面一般接时间段

send sb sth =send sth to sb寄某物给某人

send sb sth from a place 从某地寄给某人某物

get back to a place 回到某处

give sth back 归还某物

get sth back要回某物


as for +n.(Ving)



maybe在句首作定语 may be 在主语后做谓语

the same as与什么相同

be different from 与什么不同

very often 经常,只用在句尾

make a difference 使什么不同

try to do sth尽力做某事

the result of +n.(Ving)某事的结果

try one's best to do sth



ask sb for help 请求某人帮助

plan to do sth 做某事

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事

forget dong sth 忘记做了某事

finish dong sth完成某事

lee a piace 离开某地

lee for a place 离开到某地去

decide to do sth

decide on dong sth决定做某事(两个都是)

go away for too long (出远门太久)

for 后面一般接时间段

send sb sth =send sth to sb寄某物给某人

send sb sth from a place 从某地寄给某人某物

get back to a place 回到某处

give sth back 归还某物

get sth back要回某物


as for +n.(Ving)



maybe在句首作定语 may be 在主语后做谓语

the same as与什么相同



1. If I don’t he food, I die. If I die, no one will look after you.

2. Write a report on an animal in danger for the club newsletter.

★★3. I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old.

= I saw the baby for the first time at the age of 10 days.

4. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 garms.当“希望”出生时,她只有100克。

5.Eight mother later,she was not a small baby any more.

★★6.At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day.

7.When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.

★★8.Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.

9.Here are some of the problems( that Xi Wang may he in the future.)

★★10.If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will he nowhere to live.★★11.Mothers often lee baby pandas for two whole days on their own.

★★12.We can take the following actions to protest giant pandas .

★★13. Encourage farmers to lee the giant panda reserves. 鼓励农民离开大熊猫保护区。

14. I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest.

★★15. We call her Xi Wang. It means “hope”.

★★16. She started to go outside her home for the first time.

17. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for it’s fur.

18. If tigers live in the wild, they hunt for their own food.

★★19.Tigers live as a family if they he babies.

Wolves live in family groups if they are in the wild.狼在旷野中以家庭的形式群居。

★★20.They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones.

21.I think you should not buy clothes (made of animal fur).

★★22.If farmers continue to make new farmland, wild animals won’t get enough food.


★★23.Mother giant pandas he only one or two babies at a time.

★★24.Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmland.他们的数量越来越少,因为他们的居住地正变成农田。

25.They seldom hurt people.它们很少伤害人。

26. If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.

27. We are writing to you about protecting wild animals.

28. They do not kill for fun.

29. They are friendly towards each other and never attack people.

30. They look lovely on me.

31. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums’ milk ----up to 14 hours a day.

32. What action(s) can the club take ?



A.在表示设情况的条件状语从句中中,主句用一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时表示将来,当 从句放在主句之前时,用逗号将从句与主句隔开,但当主句在前从句在后时,则不需要逗号。

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go fishing.


If you step on a snake, it attacks you.

If I don’t he food, I die.

初二英语上册知识点 八年级英语重点知识归纳总结





2.take/he a rest翻译为:好好休息.take/he可以互换.

3.Shouldn’t=Should not不应该

4.see / watch / hear为感官动词.

1.后接sb. do sth.表示看 / 听到某人在做某事.



2.后接sb. doing sth.

表示看 / 听到某人正在做某事.一般是指看到/听到这个动作正在进行.


5.cherr sb. on 当中sb.用人名或者是人称代词的宾格形式代替.

翻译为:为某人加油 / 喝彩.

6.be going to结构: (用来表示:将来的或者是打算.)


肯定句:主语+be(am / is / are)+going to+动词原形…..

否定句:主语+be(am / is / are)+not+going to+动词原形…..

疑问句:be(is / are)+主语+going to+动词原形…..

特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+going to…?


8.join=become a member翻译为加入.表示加入某个组织或者团体.

9.play for效力于….

10.arrive+in+大地方/arrive+at+小地方 同义的是:get to/reach 翻译为:到达某地


12.make sb./sth.+形容词 使某/人某物怎么样

13.be good for 对…..有益 be bad for 对…..有害

14.keep sth./sb. +形容词 使某人/某物保持某一种状态

15.主语+spend+时间+on sth./ (in)doing sth.某人花了时间/金钱做某事

16.pretty =very或者quite 翻译为:很,非常

17.There be句型的一般将来时: 翻译为(某地将要发生某事)

①There+be going to+be…… (be going to句型)

②There+will+be…… (will句型,没有人称和数的变化)

18.be sure+that(从句)/to do sth. 翻译为:确信

19.do sb. a for / help sb. / give sb. a hand 经常用来表示寻求帮助

20.one of +名词复数形式/代词的宾格 翻译为:…..中之一

如果one of 做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数

21.Would you mind+doing stn.? 做…..你介意吗?

Would you mind+not+doing stn. 做……你不介意吗?



①接受:1.not at all没问题 2.of course not没问题

②拒绝:1.I’m sorry ,I’m afraid you’d better not 对不起,恐怕你不能这样做

22.need +to do sth. 翻译为:需要做某事

23.keep doing sth. 翻译为:继续做某事

24.lose the game输了这场比赛

25.be angry with sb. 翻译为:生某人的气 with为介词,sb.接人称代词的宾格形式

26.he a fight争吵;打架 fight做名词讲

27.say sorry to sb. 翻译为:向某人道歉 sb.接名词/人称代词的宾格形式

28.with one’s help / with the help of sb. 翻译为:在某人的帮助下

29.keep sb. doing sth. 翻译为:使某人一直做某事


①肯定句型:主语+will+动词原形 翻译为:,打算去做某事

②否定句型:主语+will+not+动词原形 翻译为:不打算,不去做某事

③疑问句型:Will+主语+动词原形…? 翻译为:打算,去做某事吗?

回答:1.肯定回答Yes,主语+will 2.否定回答:No,主语+won’t/will not.

31.be late for来晚了;迟到

32.be sorry for+sth./doing sth. 翻译为:为……而感到抱歉

33.be important to sb. 翻译为:对某人说是重要的

34.quite + a bit/a lot 表示频率 后接of用来修饰名词

35.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

36.start/begin+to do sth./doing sth. 翻译为:开始做某事

37.also用于句中 用于肯定句

Either用于句末 一般用于否定句

Too用于句末 一般用于肯定句

as well用于句末 一般用于肯定句 全部都表示”也”的意思

38.get 动词, get tired easily中做系动词,后接tired(形容词)做表语.

39.build sb. up 翻译为:增强某人的…… sb.接人称代词的宾格形式和名词

40.he fun doing sth.从……中得到乐趣

41.he fun / he a good time / enjoy oneself 翻译为:玩得愉快,开心

42.he fun doing sth. / enjoy doing sth. 翻译为:乐于做某事

43.fill out =fill in 填写

fill sb. out 填写…… sb.为名词/人称代词的宾格形式

44.be with 和……相处;和……在一起

45.be friendly to sb. 翻译为:对某人友好

46.make friends with sb. 翻译为:和某人交朋友

47.prefer…to.. 翻译为:比起……来,更喜欢……

48.maybe 是副词,表示大概,也许或者可能的意思 在句子中做状语

may be may是情态动词,加上be 翻译为:可能是,大概是 在句子中做谓语

49.how about/what about+名词/动名词 翻译为:……怎么样

50.be free 反义 be busy 翻译为:空闲的 繁忙的

51.every +基数词+复数名词 翻译为:”每……”

52.be fond of +名词/动名词=like +动名词/名词 翻译为:喜欢;乐意做某事

what’s wrong with …=what’s the matter=what’s up?询问对方的情况

he a cold=catch/get a cold 患感冒

Why not +动词原形…?

Why don’t you…? 两者都是同义句,都用于提建议

4.had better+动词原形 翻译为:最好做某事 用于任何人称

had better+not+动词原形 翻译为:最好别做某事 没有任何和数的变化.

5.take sb./sth.+to+地点 翻译为:带某人/某物去某地

6.sth. with sth. 翻译为:加入某物的物品

7.too many+可数名词的复数形式…

too much+不可数名词,用于动词后,修饰动作…

much too+形容词/副词…


10.sick 用于名词前,修饰名词做定语 翻译为:生病

ill 不能做定语 两者都可在句子中做表语

11.worry about+人称代词宾格形式/名词…


13.plenty of=lots of/a lot of=many=much 翻译为:一些,大量的

many+可数名词的复数形式 much+不可数名词…

14.tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事

15.give up doing sth. =stop doing sth. 放弃/停止做某事

16.enough 翻译为:足够的 用法:



17.talk with/to sb. 和某人洽谈

Talk about 谈论关于…

18.among 表示在三者或三者以上

between 表示两者之间,和and搭配 翻译为:在……之间

19.do one’s best 尽(某人)全力,one’s 接名词所有格.物主代词

20.do some doing sth. 做……事

21.must句型: (must+主语…?)


②否定回答:1.—No,主语+don’t/doesn’t+he to. 2.—No,主语+need not.

22.keep away from sth. 翻译为:远离某物

23.ring sb. up =call sb.=give sb. a call/ring/phone 翻译为:给某人打电话

24.care for sb. 翻译为:照顾某人

25.It’s+形容词/名词+to do sth. 翻译为:做…是…的

26.teach oneself=learn by oneself 翻译为:自学

27.hate+动名词/名词/代词 翻译为:讨厌……

28.help sb. (to) do sth. 翻译为:帮助某人做某事

29.enjoy oneself=he a good time=he fun 翻译为:过得愉快

30.by oneself 翻译为:亲自,自己

31.help oneself to+食物 翻译为:请随便吃点……

32.say to oneself 翻译为:自言自语;心里想

八年级上英语复习提纲 重点短语和句子



一. 形容词/副词的比较级和最高级

1. 形容词/副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则


① 单音节单词





② 少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节单词











(4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est。






beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful

different→more different→most different

easily→more easily→most easily









far →further/farther→ furthest/farthest

2. 形容词和副词比较级的用法


Tom is taller than Kate.


This room is three times bigger than that one.



I got up earlier than my mother this morning.


He runs three times faster than his brother.


3. 形容词和副词最高级的用法


Tom is the tallest in his class./of all the students.


This le is the biggest of the five.



I jump (the) farthest in my class.


二. 句子成分



3. 宾语:分为动词宾语和介词宾语,属于动作的承受者。

4. 系动词:表示状态或状态变化的动词,没有实际的动作意义。如 be, 感官系动词(look, sound, smell, taste 和 feel)、保持类系动词(keep, stay 和 remain)、状态变化类系动词(become、get、turn 和 go)等。

5. 表语:紧跟系动词后面的成分。

6. 定语:修饰名词或代词的成分。

7. 状语: 修饰形容词、副词、动词或句子的成分。

8. 补语:分为宾语补足语和主语补足语。是对宾语和主语的补充说明,与其有主动或被动的逻辑关系。

例如:You should keep the room clean and tidy.


(You是主语, should keep是谓语,the room是宾语,clean and tidy是宾语补足语。)

This kind of food tastes delicious.


(This kind of food是主语, tastes是系动词, delicious是表语。)


三. 句子类型

1. 简单句的基本形式是由一个主语加一个谓语构成。

2. 复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。

3. 两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词连在一起构成的句子,叫做并列句,其基本结构是“简单句+并列连词+简单句”。

四. 简单句的五种基本句型

1.“主语 + 谓语”(即“主谓”句型)

例:They arrived in Harbin yesterday morning.


2.“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语”(即“主谓宾”句型)

例:I study English.


3.“主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语”(即“主谓双宾”句型)

例:Our teacher taught us English.

分析:“our teacher”(主语)“教”(谓语动作)“us”(间接宾语)“English”(直接宾语)。

4.“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”(即“主谓宾宾补”句型)

例: He asked her to go there.

分析:“he”(主语)“asked”(谓语动作)“her”(宾语即动作涉及的对象)“to go there”(补语—补充说明宾语做什么)。

5.“主语 + 系动词+ 表语”(即“主系表”句型)

常用的系动词有be, keep,lie, remain, stand, become, fall, get, go, grow, turn, look, feel, seem, smell, sound, taste, 等。

例: I am a teacher. 我是一名老师

分析:“I”(主语)“am”(系动词)“a teacher”(表语—即表明主语的身份)。

五. 宾语从句

1. 宾语从句的含义


如:She knew that the teacher had seen the film.


“that the teacher had seen the film”做 knew 的宾语,同时又是由连接词 that 引导的从句,所以它叫做宾语从句。

2. 宾语从句的分类


如:He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。


如:I agree with what you said just now.我同意你刚才说的话。


如:I am afraid that I will be late. 恐怕我要迟到了。

3. 引导名词性从句的连接词



I don't know if /whether he still lives here after so many years. 我不知道这么多年后,他是否还住在这里。

(3)连接代词:what, which, who, whom, whose(在宾语从句中做主、宾、表和定语)

连接副词:where, when, how, why(在宾语从句中做状语)

The small children don't know what is in their stockings.(what 在宾语从句中做主语)


Could you tell me why you were late for the meeting this morning?(why 在宾语从句中做原因状语)


4. 在做宾语从句的题目时应注意两点



I don't know when he will come back.我不知道他将何时回来。

He tells me that his sister came back yesterday.他告诉我他姐姐昨天回来了。


She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。

He said that he could finish his work before supper.他说他会在晚饭前完成工作。


The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.老师说过地球绕着太阳转。




一、 he fun doing sth.

句型介绍 意为\"做某事有乐趣\",其中he fun 相当于enjoy oneself,表示过得愉快。

1. 英语中的集体名词,如family, class, team等作主语时,若作为一个整体看,其后的谓语动词用单数;若强调其组成成员,谓语动词用复数。如:

My family is a hy one. 我家是个幸福的家庭。

My family are all watching TV. 我们全家人都在看电视。

2. 在比较级中,要注意than后面人称代词的格。


He runs faster than I / me. 他跑得比我快。

They get to school earlier than we / us every day. 他们每天都比我们到校早。


I like you more than he. (=I like you more than he likes you.) 我比他更喜欢你。

I like you more than him. (=I like you more than I like him.) 你和他相比,我更喜欢你。

二、 But I don\'t know what to do.

句型介绍 疑问词 + 不定式可作主语、宾语或表语。

I don\'t know how to get her help. 我不知道怎样才能得到她的帮助。

Where to buy this kind of seed is unknown to me. 我不知道去哪儿购买这种。

My question is when to lee for Tokyo. 我的问题是什么时候去东京。

三、 This is ... speaking.

句型介绍 该句为打电话用语,用来进行自我介绍,This代表我,speaking可以省去。

Hello! This is Tom (speaking). 你好,我是汤姆。

句式比较 Who is that (speaking)? 你是谁?that用来询问对方是谁,speaking可以省去。 Is that ... (speaking)? 你是......吗?that也用来询问对方是谁, speaking也可以省去。


一、 名词短语

a waste of time 浪费(白费)时间

field trip 野外旅游

the day after tomorrow后天

Terra Cotta Warriors 兵马俑

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

on Mid-autumn Day / Festival 在中秋节

二、 动词短语

go fishing 去钓鱼

go boating 去划船

go hiking 去徒步旅行

go on a picnic 去野餐

trip over (被......)绊倒

hurry up 赶快

get home 回家

get together 相聚

agree with ... 同意......意见(想法);符合

ask for 请求;询问

come up 走近;发生;上来;流行

come over 过来;抓住

三、 介、副词短语

in the open air 在户外;在野外

on time 准时

at the front / back of 在前 / 后面

in front of 在......前面

in the country 在乡下

in town 在城里

on the left /right side 在左 / 右边

up and down 上上下下;来来回回

四、 其它短语

(not) ... any more再也不;不能再......

all the same 仍然; 还是

had better (do) 最好(做......)



一、I\'m sorry to hear that.

[句型介绍] 该句是对所听说的不幸的回答用语,含义为\"真遗憾;听到那件事我很难过\"。

-I didn\'t pass the exam. 我没通过这次考试。

-I\'m sorry to hear that. 真遗憾。

-My grandfather died yesterday. 我的祖父昨天去世了。

-I\'m sorry to hear that. 我很难过。

[知识拓展] 1. I\'m glad to hear that. 我真高兴听到那事。

-I he managed to buy a ticket for tonight\'s film. 我设法买到了今晚的**票。

-I\'m (very) glad to hear that. 真替你高兴。

2. Congratulations. 恭喜你。

-I\'ve just married a beautiful girl. 我刚刚娶了一位漂亮姑娘。

-Congratulations. 恭喜你。

二、be good for

[句型介绍] 意为\"有益于......\", for后面接名词。

Is swimming good for your health?游泳有益于你的身体健康吗?

I think timely rain is good for the crops. 我认为适时地下雨对庄稼生长有好处。

[知识拓展] be good to 对......友好;be good at 擅长......

She is always good to me. 她对我一直很友好。

She is good at singing popular songs. 她擅长唱流行歌曲。

三、ask sb. for sth.

[句型介绍] 意为\"向某人要某物\",sb.与sth.位置不得颠倒。

Can I ask you for help?你能帮帮我吗?

To tell you the truth, when I he trouble, I always ask her for advice. 跟你说老实话,每当我有麻烦时总向她征求意见。

[知识拓展] ask for sth. 要求得到某物;ask for sb.要求见某人

Yesterday he asked me for money. 昨天他向我要钱。

Did anybody ask for me during my absence?我不在的时候有人找过我吗?

四、be born in

[句型介绍] 意为\"出生于\",后接地点状语或时间状语。

He was born in a small town in 1995. 1995年他出生于一个小镇上。

In which city was he born in 1988?1988年他出生在哪一个城市?

[知识拓展] be born of出生于......家庭

It is said that he was born of a teacher\'s family. 据说他出生于教师的家庭。

五、good luck with sth.

[句型介绍] 祝贺用语,with后面接事物名词。

Good luck with your exam. 祝你考试好运。

Good luck with your journey. 祝你旅途顺利。

[知识拓展] good luck to sb. 祝......好运

Good luck to you. 祝你好运。


Unit One

1. How often do you exercise ? → How often + 助动词do(does或did) + 主语 + do sth. ? 疑问词how often是问频率(多经常), 在这里助动词do(does或did) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用

Every day / Once a week / Twice a month / Three times a month / Three or four times a month .

2. What do you usually do on weekends ? 第一个do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。 I usually play .

3. What’s your forite program ? It’s Animal World .

4. What do students do at Green High School ? 第一个do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。

5. As for homework , most students do homework every day . as for...意思是“至于;关于”,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如:

As for him,I never want to see him here. 至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。

As for the story,you'd better not believe it. 关于那故事,你最好不要相信。

6. The results for “ watch TV ” are interesting .

7. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her . → want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:

Do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一起去看**吗?

The teacher doesn't want us to eat hamburgers.老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。

8. She says it’s good for my health . → be good for...表示“对……有益(有好处)”。其反义为:be bad for...。(这里for 是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)如:

It's good for us to do more reading. 多读书对我们有好处。

Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上读书对你的眼睛有害。

9. How many hours do you sleep every night ?

10. I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school .

11. My eating habits are pretty good . 这里pretty相当于very 。

12. I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week . → try to do sth.表示“ 尽力做某事 ” ,不包含是否成功的意思 / try doing sth. 表示“ (用某一办法)试着去做某事”。 如:You’d better try doing the experiment in another way. 你最好试试用另一种方法做这个试验。

13. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades . → help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

14. Good food and exercise help me to study better . → help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 / 这里better是well的比较级,而不是good的比较级

15. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different ? =Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from your lifestyle ? → be the same as … / be different from …

16. I think I’m kind of unhealthy . kind of = a little / a kind of 意思是“一种”

17. What sports do you play ?

18. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health . keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy

19. You must try to eat less meat . → try to do sth. 表示“ 尽力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思 / less是little的比较级

20. That sounds interesting. 这是“主语+系动词+表语”结构的简单句。sound(听起来),look(看起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),feel(觉得),seem(好象),grow(变得) , get(变得)等词在英语中可用作系动词,后跟形容词作表语。如:

It tastes good. 这味道好。

The music sounds very sweet. 这音乐听起来很入耳。

The smoke grew heier and heier. 烟雾变得越来越浓了。

Unit Two

1. What’s the matter ? What’s the mater with you ? with为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。人称代词必须用它的宾格。

I he a cold / he a sore back / he a stomachache

2. You should lie down and rest / drink hot tea with honey / see a dentist / see a doctor .

3. I’m not felling well . 这里well表示身体状况,不能用good代替

4. When did it start ? About two days ago .

5. That’s too bad .

6. I hope you fell better soon . 这里better是well的比较级

7. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy . 这里 to be healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语

8. Maybe you he too much yin . too much后跟不可数名词,而too many后跟可数名词复数

9. It’s easy to he a healthy lifestyle ,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet . → It’s easy to do sth . 做某事容易 / It’s important to do sth . 做某事重要

10. Everyone gets tired sometimes . 这里get连系动词,tired是形容词作表语,属系表结构

11. A sore throat can give you a fever . → give sb. sth . = give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人

12. Don’t get stressed out. It’s not healthy . 在这里get是连系动词,stressed out是表语

13. I he a toothache . I need to see a dentist . → need意思为 “需要” ,作实义动词时,后跟动词不定式,否定式为don’t /doesn’t / didn’t need (to do sth.) ;作情态动词时,只能用于否定句或疑问句中,否定式为needn’t(do sth.) ,除有过去式外,没有其它的形态变化

14. Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy . to stay healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语

15. I’m not feeling very well at the moment . at the moment = now

Unit Three

1. What are you doing for vacation ? I’m babysitting my sister .

Where are you going for vacation ? Italy .


2. Who are you going with ? I’m going with my parents . with my parents是介词短语,在这里作伴随状语,起修饰谓语动词are going的作用

3. When are you going ? I’m going on Monday .

4. What are you doing there ? I’m going hiking in the mountains .

5. How long are you staying ? Just for four days . I don’t like going away for too long .疑问词hwo long是对时间长短或事物的长度提问,在这里是对时间的长短进行提问。

6. He a good time . = Enjoy oneself . 玩得开心、愉快

7. Show me your photos when we get back to school . → show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某给某人看

8. I’m going to Hawaii for vacation . for vacation是介词短语,在这里作目的状语,起修饰谓语动词的作用

9. What’s it like there ? 这里like是介词,而不是动词

10. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? → ask sb. sth . 问某人某事

11. Ben Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer ! → take a vacation 度

12. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but decided on Canada . → think about 考虑 / decide on 决定 这里的about和on都是介词

13. “ I always take vacation in Europe ,” he said . “ This time I want to do something different .” → (1). want to do sth. (2). 修饰不定代词(something , nothing , anything等)的定语常放在不定代词的后面

14. He plans to he a very relaxing vacation . → plan to do sth. 做某事

15. I’m planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside .

16. I just finished making my last movies . → finish doing sth. 完成做某事

17. I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing . to go sightseeing是动词不定式短语,作a good place的后置定语

18. She’s leing for Hong Kong on Tuesday . → lee A for B 离开A地去B地

19. I want to ask you about places to visit China . to visit China是动词不定式短语,作places的后置定语

20. I’m planning my vacation to Italy this weekend . to Italy是动词不定式短语,作my vacation的后置定语

21. What should tourists take with them ? with them是介词短语,在这里作伴随状语,起修饰谓语动词take的作用

22. Where are you leing from ? lee from 离开某地(注:from是介词)

Unit Four

1. How do you get to school ? 疑问词how 在这里是对方式进行提问

I ride my bike / walk / take the subway . By bike / bicycle / bus / train / subway / taxi / air / plane / ship / boat . On foot .

How do I get there ? 因there是副词,所以不能说get to there Don’t worry . Let me look at your map . Ok , first … , next … . Then … .

2. How long does it take ? 疑问词hwo long是对时间长短或事物的长度提问

It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus .

How long does t take you to get from home to school ?

It takes twenty-five minutes . → take sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人……时间做某事

3. Lin Fei’s home is about Kilometers from school .

4. How far is it from your home to school ? It’s three miles .

How far do you live from school ? I live 10 miles from school .

疑问词how far在这里是对距离进行提问

5. In other parts of the world , things are different .

6. In China , it depends on where you are . → depend on 视……而定;决定于

7. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus .

8. In North America , not all students take the bus to school . not all是部分否定,意思是并不是所有的;不是全部的

9. Other parts of the world are different from the United States .

10. A small number of students take the subway . → a number of = many 许多

11. What do you think of the transportation in your town ? → think of 对……有某种看法

12. When it rains I take a taxi .

13. I he a map but in Chinese .

14. If you he a problem , you can ask a policeman .

Unit Five

1. Can you come to my party ?

Sure , I’d love(like) to . / I’m sorry , I can’t . I he to help my parents .

Can you play tennis with me ?


2. I he too much homework this weekend . too much后跟不可数名词;too many后跟可数名词复数

3. That’s too bad .

4. Maybe another time .

5. Thanks for asking . for介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词

6. Come and he fun . / Come and join us .

7. On Wednesday , I’m playing tennis with the school team .

8. I he to study for my science test on Thursday . he to强调客观原因;而must强调主观原因

9. Please keep quiet ! I’m trying to study . → try to do sth. 表示“ 尽力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思

10. Do you want to come to my birthday party ? → want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”

11. Li Lei is going fishing with grandpa the whole day . the whole day = all day 整天

12. Can you come over to my house ?

13. I’m free till 22:00 .

Unit Six

1. I’m more outgoing than my sister . → 主语 + 动词 + 形容词比较级别 + than + 比较对象

2. As you can see , in some ways we look the same , and in some ways we look different .

3. However , we both enjoy going to parties . → enjoy doing sth. = like doing sth. 喜欢做某事

4. Liu Li has more than one sister . more than 不止

5. Liu Li and Liu Ying he some things in common . → in common (团体)共同的;公有的

6. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister . as …as 和……一样 (其中as…as之间的形容词必须用原级);它的否定式是:not as(so) … as

7. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li . 这里more是much的比较级,而不是many的比较级

8. Both girls go to lots of parties . lots of = a lot of 许多

9. My friend is the same as me . → be the same as … 与……一样 / be different from …与……不同

10. I think a good friend makes me laugh . → make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

11. For me , a good friend likes to do the same things as me . → like to do sth.

12. That’s not very important for me ….

13. What’s your opinion ?

14. Should friends be different or the same ? same前常有定冠词the

15. I like to he friends who are like me . / I like to he friends who are different from me . → like to do sth.中的like 是动词,意思是“ 喜欢 ”;而are like me 中的like 是介词,意思是“ 像 ”。要注意区别like的词性。

16. I’m quieter than most of the kids in my class .

17. We both like doing the same things . → like doing sth. 喜欢做某事

18. Who do you think should get the job , Ruth or Rose ?

19. You must be good with children / enjoy telling jokes . → be good with sb. 对某人好;与某人相处融洽 / enjoy doing = like doing sth. 喜欢做某事

20. He can’t stop talking . → stop doing sth. 意为“ 停止(正在)做的事情” ,doing在句中是stop的宾语。如:When the teacher came in , the students stopped talking and laugh . 老师走了进来,学生们停止了谈笑。 / stop to do sth. 意为“ 停下(正在做的事)去做某事” ,动词不定式短语to do sth.在句中作动词 stop 的目的状语。 如:He stopped to write a letter to her . 他停下手边的工作,给她写信。

21. He always helps others .

22. She likes to stay at home and read . → like to do sth. 喜欢做某事 / stay at home 呆在家里

Review of units 1-6

1. You use milk to make cheese and you can drink it , too . 动词不定式短语to make cheese在这里作目的状语,修饰use milk

2. A part of your body beginning with “ a ” . → begin with 以……开始 (注意:with是介词)

3. The opposite of short is long or tall .

4. The neck is between your head and your body . → between … and 在……和……之间

5. Carrots , onions and peppers are all vegetables . → all用于三者或三者以上;both用于两者。同时要注意它们在句中的位置,即位于连系动词(be),助动词(be , will , shall , should 等),情态动词(can , may , must , he to等)的后面;其它动词的前面。

6. I like reading books in my free time . like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 / in one’s free time 在空余时间

7. I feel terrible , doctor . 在这里feel是连系动词,terrible是形容词作表语,feel terrible是系表结构作复合谓语

8. I usually relax in my swimming pool .

9. I’m very excited to be taking a vacation around China ! → be excited to do sth. 做某事很激动

10. Who is more athletic , Gao Yan or Li Tong ?



由一个元音构成的音节:I /aI/“我”、oh / u/“哦”、a/eI, /“一个”、ear/I /“耳朵”等;

由一个元音加一个辅音构成的音节: bee/bi:/“蜜蜂”、ill /il/“生病”、my/mai/“我的”、see /si:/“看见”等;

由一个元音加几个辅音构成的音节:bed /bed/“床”、bag/b g/“袋子”、clock /kl k/等。

英语的词有一个音节的,也有两个音节或三个音节以上的。顾名思义,一个音节叫做单音节,两个音节叫做双音节,三个或三个以上的音节叫做多音节。例如good /gud/只有一个音节,所以叫做单音节词;morning/`m :nI /分别有/m :n/和/I /两个音节,所以叫做双音节词;而afternoon /`a:ft `nu:n/有/a:f/、/t /、/nu:n/三个音节,所以,叫做多音节词。

在英语中,双音节或多音节的单词,每一个词都有一个读得特别响亮的音节,叫做重读音节,重读音节以重读符号“`”来表示。例如在evening /`i:vni /一词中,/i:/是重读音节。一般来说,只有一个音节的单词往往重读,但通常不标重读符号;双音节词和多音节词至少有一个音节重读,并在重读的音节左上方标出重读符号。

音节分为开音节和闭音节。以元音字母a 或 e, i, o, u结尾的音节叫做开音节,如nice, hi, hello, fine等都是以开音节结尾的单词;以辅音字母结尾的音节叫做闭音节,如meet, bed, what, wall, mom等都是以闭音节结尾的单词。

1.记单词的最好办法是什么? 把一个单词造出多个句子,训练把这多个句子在场景下脱口说出。句子记住了,单词也当然得到了充分理解和长期记忆。





Unit 2 What's the matter?





例句:A: What's the matter?(怎么了?)

B: I'm not feeling well.(我感觉不舒服。)I he a cold.(我感冒了。)

A: When did it start?(什么时候开始的?)

B: About two days ago.(大约两天前开始的。)


1. he a cold 患感冒

2. a few 有些

3. at the moment 此时/现在

4. he a stomachache 肚子疼

5. he a sore throat 嗓子疼

6. he a fever 发烧

7. lie down 躺下

8. see a dentist 看牙医

9. he a headache 头疼

10. he a toothache 牙疼

11. hot tea with honey 热茶加蜂蜜

12. stressed out 紧张

13. go to bed early 早睡觉

14. listen to music 听音乐

15. go to party 参加音乐会

16. on the other hand 在另一方面

17. stay healthy 保持健康

18. he a sore back 背疼

19. traditional Chinese doctors 传统中医

20. a balance of yin and yang 阴阳平衡

21. too much 太多

22. a balanced diet 饮食平衡

23. go out at night 在晚上出去

24. feel well 感觉舒服

25. conversation practice 对话练习

26. host family 房东

27. give sb a fever 导致某人发烧

OK?希望能帮到你啊!我是英语牛人团的 Ivy !




1. Welcome back to school! 欢迎返校!==You are welcome back to school.

例如:(1)Welcome to China!

(2)You are a welcome guest. 你是一位受欢迎的客人。

(3)We received a warm welcome. 我们受到了热烈欢迎。

2. We are going to he fun learning and speaking English this term.


例如:(1)He fun! 尽情玩吧!

(2)We he fun(in)climbing the mountain. 我们去爬山很开心。

(3)a fun hat可笑的帽子;a fun party有趣的聚会。What fun!真有趣!

3. It doesn’t matter, but tomorrow, please be on time. 没关系,但是明天请一定准时。

例如:(1)The bus arrives on time. 公共汽车准时到达。

(2)We were just in time for the match.

(3)Time is money.We he no time to he a rest.

4. Here is a card for you with our best wishes.


例如:(1)We all give our wishes for your health. 我们都祝你健康。

(2)Her wish to the key high school is coming true.


(3)I wish you a long life. 祝你长寿。

(4)I wish I were ten years younger. 但愿我能年轻10岁。

5. I think this is different from Chinese names. 我想这与中国人的名字不同。

例如:(1)My plan is different from yours.

(2)Her look is different from / than before.

(3)Do you know the difference between the two words?

6. My name is James, but Jim is short for James.


例如:(1)TV is short for television.

(2)PE is short for physical education.

(3) PRC is short for the People’Republic of China.

7. Philip tells them “ph” sounds like an “f”.

例如:(1)This sounds beautiful.

(2)I can hear a strange sound.

8. He is asking his friends to help him think of a name.


例如:(1)Our teacher asked us to go over our lessons.

(2)He often helps me(to)learn English. = He often helps me with my English.

(3)I think of my hometown when I see the photo.

9. “It means a waste of time.” says Sun Yu with a laugh.


例如:(1)Mother told me not to waste money.

(2)Don’t waste time watching TV every day.

新目标)八年级上Units 1—2重难点解析 1.原句How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视?

解析how often 意为“多久(一次)”,它引导的特殊疑问句用来询问某动作发生的频率。how often通常是对一些表示频率的副词提问,如:always,usually, often, sometimes, never等,也可以对表示“多久几次”之类的频率短语提问,如:once a week, twice a year, three times a day等。

特别提示:若仅对once, twice, three times这样只表示次数的词提问,要用how many times“多少次”,不用how often。如:

——How often does he go swimming?他多久游一次泳?

——Once a day. 一天一次。

2.原句What do you usually do on weekends?


解析on weekends“在周末”(周六和周日),on the weekend 意为“那个周末”,指说话双方都明白的、特定的那个周末;on weekdays “在工作日”(除周六、周日以外的五天)。on用于指具体某一天(日期,如:on May 1st 在五月一日;某天某段时间,如:on Monday morning 在周一早上;具体某天,如:on that day在那一天;纪念日,如:on your birthday在你生日那天;节日,如:on Christmas Day在圣诞节)。而in用在月/季节/年代前和一些固定短语中。at用来表示确切时间点。

3.原句 Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School. 这些是对格林高中的学生活动的调查结果。


Here she comes. 她来了。

There it is. 它在那儿。


There goes the bell. 铃响了。

At the head of the queue was an old woman.


4.原句As for homework, most students do it every day.


解析every day是名词词组“每天、天天”,有时也指“一天天地”,作状语。如:

I read English every day. 我每天读英语。


Let’s begin with everyday English. 让我们从日常英语开始学起。

5.原句Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?


解析same(相同的)和different(不同的)是一对反义词。same前必须加冠词the, the same as表示“与……相同”,be different from表示 “与……不同”。如:

Your hat is the same as his. 你的帽子和他的一样。

Your hat is different from his. 你的帽子和他的不一样。


There are many differences between the two languages.


6.原句A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.


解析keep(be) in good health=he/has good health表示“身体健康”,反义词组:be in bad(poor) health身体不好(差、不佳),keep(be) in good health 相当于keep healthy=stay healthy=keep fit“保持健康”。如:

My grandpa is over 70 years old, but he is still in good health.


She has always had good health. 她一直都很健康。

It is important for us to stay healthy.


Unit 9

1. Deng Yaping is a great Chinese ping—pong player.邓亚萍是中国的一位乒乓球巨星。

2. She was born in 13.她出生于13年。

3. You are never too young to start doing things. 你多早开始做事都不为过。

4. For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. 例如,泰德?伍兹十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球。

5. Ronaldo, the great Brazilian player, played for his national team when he was seven. 巴西足球巨星罗纳尔多17岁就为国家队效力。

6. When did she become a movie star? 她何时成了一名影星?

7. He spends all his free time with his grandson.他全部的空闲时间都是跟他的孙子在一起。

8. She become a skating champion when she was ten. 在她十岁时,她成了一位滑冰冠军。

9. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize. 在有七十年历史的(肖邦国际钢琴)比赛中,他也是第一位获此殊荣的中国钢琴家。

10. He stopped playing because of his sore back. 因为背疼,结束了他的足球生涯。

11. She became the number one women’s singles player in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998. 1993年至1998年,她成为了国际乒乓球联合会女子单打的头号选手。

Unit 10

1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大了要干什么?

2. I'm going to be a computer programmer. 我要成为一名电脑程序设计师。

3. How are you going to do that? 你打算怎样去做呢?

4. I'm going to take acting lessons.我要去上表演课。

5. When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. 我长大后,我要做我想做的事。

6. I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and se some money. 我想找一份可干一、两年的零工,攒些钱。

8. I’m going to study French at the same time.同时,我要学法语。

9. I also want to trel all over the world.我还想到世界各地去旅行。

10. I'm going to write articles and send them t0 magazines and newspapers.我要写文章,寄给报社和杂志社。

11. I’m going to get good grades.我要取得好成绩。

12. They want to communicate better with their kids.他们想要更好地与孩子进行交流。

13. An old lady is going to lee her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China. 一位老太太打算辞去她现有的工作,再在中国找一份当语言教师的工作。

14. We are going to he a welcome party. 我们打算举办一场欢迎会。