
愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度新年! May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm ~~你喜欢这些短句吗?有请阅读迷你句子网的编辑为你编辑的春节有特色祝福语短句英文(精选24条),供你参考和使用,请收藏和分享。

1、出入平安:safe trip wherever you go

2、初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!春节快乐,春节幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。the early spring snow is long, the world is new everywhere! happy spring festival, happy spring festival! let go of the old and welcome the new.

3、祝你今后获得更大成就。wishing you many future successes

4、祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地!greeting transformed into a poem,a melody,open a garden of spring!

5、愿快乐幸福永远伴随您左右。may happiness follow you wherever you go!

6、what rings is the bell, what passes through is the years, what remains is the story, and what takes away is the blessing! hope, hope is beauty, send is blessing, wish you: happy new year! peace and happiness, step by step!

7、愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度新年! may the bright and festive glow of new year candle warm the days all the year through hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying new year that is happy in every way

8、the whole family is harmonious, happy throughout the year, happy all his life and safe all his life; happy every day, happy every year!

9、雪花飘飘,思念飞飞,你永远是我新年夜里唯一的主角!snowflakes float, miss flying, you will always be the only protagonist in my new year's eve!

10、sms to celebrate the new year, year-round peace, live and work in peace and contentment, industry and bangxing, prosperity, good luck and eternal youth. i wish you a happy new year!jzd365.com

11、what you can't read is true love, what you can't pull is family love, and what you can't feel is friendship. what you can't thank is teacher love, one love even one love, one love with one love. teacher's grace is like sea love, and sms blessing! i wish the teacher a happy new year!

12、may your new year: dream dream round,offer all kinds of ten thousand kinds of sweet day;doing things to become,times of spiritual success go hand in hand;choi choi would like to come,jinshan silversea luck. new year's blessing most efficacious,after reading the joy of laughter.愿你新的一年:寻梦梦就圆,日子千般万种甜;做事事就成,成功相随倍精神;想财财就来,金山银海好运在。元旦祝福最灵验,看过之后笑开颜。

13、在新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福! wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year

14、年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

15、teacher, you worked hard! you taught us to solve difficult problems; it was you who told us not to flinch when we were in trouble. on the eve of the new year, i sincerely wish: teachers work smoothly and everything goes well in the new year!

16、愿你所有的新年想都成真! hope all your new year dreams come true!

17、恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。good health, good luck and a happy new year.

18、愿你喜气相伴,喜庆不断。i wish you happiness and happiness.

19、献上最美好的祝愿。wish all the best wishes for you.

20、in the new year, good things are followed by two consecutive three, the mood is like spring in four seasons, the life is five colors and six colors, the career is prosperous, the troubles are nine night clouds, and 10 hearts and 10 meanings bless you!

21、新年好,万事顺,事事如意!happy new year,everything,all the best!

22、人依旧,物依然,又是一年;想也好,忘也罢,本是平凡;今儿好,明更好,衷心祝愿新年快乐!people are still, things are still, is another year; think or forget, it is ordinary; today is good, better, sincerely wish a happy new year!

23、好朋友简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘份久久长长。朋友,祝你新年快乐,吉祥如意。good friends are simple, good friendship is clear and refreshing, and good fate is long and long. happy new year to you, my friend.

24、在新的一年里,愿您分分秒秒平平安安朝朝暮暮开开心心日日夜夜健健康康岁岁年年潇潇洒洒永永远远快快乐乐时时刻刻风风光光生生世世顺顺当当 in the new year,i wish you every second of the day and night safely perfectly healthy happy days and nights each year is a little guilty forever happily always fengfengguangguang lifetimes cis dangdang.